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[軟件] 郵件密碼回復工具 Mail PassView v1.50

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Mail Passview 不是破解郵件密碼的軟件,它是一款可以將本機下的各類郵件軟體記錄的密碼顯示出來,支援 Outlook、Ms Outlook 2000~2007、Windows Mail(Live)、Incredimail、Eudora、Yahoo、Hotmail、Gmail等等,當然也是可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

Mail PassView is a small password-recovery tool that reveals the passwords and other account details for the following email clients:

-Outlook Express
-Microsoft Outlook 2000 (POP3 and SMTP Accounts only)
-Microsoft Outlook 2002/2003/2007 (POP3, IMAP, HTTP and SMTP Accounts)
-Windows Mail
-Windows Live Mail
-Netscape 6.x/7.x (If the password is not encrypted with master password)
-Mozilla Thunderbird (If the password is not encrypted with master password)
-Group Mail Free
-Yahoo! Mail - If the password is saved in Yahoo! Messenger application.
-Hotmail/MSN mail - If the password is saved in MSN/Windows/Live Messenger application.
-Gmail - If the password is saved by Gmail Notifier application, Google Desktop, or by Google Talk.
For each email account, the following fields are displayed: Account Name, Application, Email, Server, Server Type (POP3/IMAP/SMTP), User Name, and the Password.

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[軟件更新通知] 管理及查看你的電腦用了那個連接埠 (CurrPorts 1.60)

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What's NewVersion 1.60:
Added new column: Window Title (The window title of the process)
Added 'Cleal All Filters' option.
Added 'Include Selected Processes In Filters' option. Allows you to easily filter by selected processes.

CurrPorts 是一套可以管理及查看你本機的 TCP/IP 和 UDP 通訊連接埠,那一個連接埠已經在開啟,那一個可疑的程序都一目了然,方便判斷是否被植入木馬或中病唷~而且有相關資料顯示,亦可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

CurrPorts displays the list of all currently opened TCP/IP and UDP ports on your local computer. For each port in the list, information about the process that opened the port is also displayed, including the process name, full path of the process, version information of the process (product name, file description, and so on), the time that the process was created, and the user that created it.
In addition, CurrPorts allows you to close unwanted TCP connections, kill the process that opened the ports, and save the TCP/UDP ports information to HTML file , XML file, or to tab-delimited text file.
CurrPorts also automatically mark with pink color suspicious TCP/UDP ports owned by unidentified applications (Applications without version information and icons)

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[軟件更新通知] 輕易儲存及找出你觀看過的視頻真實連結 (VideoCacheView 1.40)

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每當你在某些網站看完一些視頻後,其實這些檔案都會暫存在你的電腦上,只要你用上 VideoCacheView 就可以輕易儲存下來方便以後觀看,而且它亦會顯示你所觀看的視頻中的真實下載連結,當然也是可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。(支援 IE/FireFox)

After watching a video in a Web site, you may want to save the video file into your local disk for playing it offline in the future. If the video file is stored in your browser's cache, this utility can help you to extract the video file from the cache and save it for watching it in the future.
It automatically scans the entire cache of Internet Explorer and Mozilla-based Web browsers (Including Firefox) and finds all video files that are currently stored in it. It allows you to easily copy the cached video files into another folder for playing/watching them in the future. If you have a movie player that is configured to play flv files, it also allows you to play the video directly from your browser's cache.

What's NewVersion 1.40:
Added support for audio files. (useful for music/songs/ringtones Web sites)
Version 1.36:
Fixed bug: In some systems, VideoCacheView didn't display all files from Firefox cache.

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