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[軟件] 查看本機用戶配置文件的小工具 (UserProfilesView v1.00)

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UserProfilesView 是一款能查看本機用戶配置文件的小工具,也是可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

UserProfilesView displays the list of all user profiles that you currently have in your system. For each user profile, the following information is displayed: Domain\User Name, Profile Path, Last Load Time, Registry File Size, User SID, and more. You can save the profiles list into text/xml/html/csv file.

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[軟件] 離線查看 IP 各類信息的小工具 (IPInfoOffline v1.00)

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IPInfoOffline 是一款查看指定 IP 的各類信息的小工具,而且還是一款可以不用連上互聯網也能取得資料,原因IP資料庫已經壓縮包含在主程式當中,當然也是可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

IPInfoOffline Allows you to view information about IP addresses, without connecting any external server. It uses a compressed IP addresses database that is stored inside the exe file.
For each IP address, the following information is displayed: IP block range, Organization (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC or AFRINIC), Assigned Date, Country Name, and Country Code. After retrieving the information about the desired IP addresses, You can copy the information to the clipboard, or save it into text/html/xml/csv file.

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[軟件] 輕易拿下 DNS 解析記錄 (DNSDataView v1.00)

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DNSDataView 是一款能拿取指定的網域的 DNS 解析記錄(MX, NS, A, SOA),當然它是以 NSlookup 以圖像化形式表達出來。亦可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

This utility is a GUI alternative to the NSLookup tool that comes with Windows operating system. It allows you to easily retrieve the DNS records (MX, NS, A, SOA) of the specified domains. You can use the default DNS server of your Internet connection, or use any other DNS server that you specify. After retrieving the DNS records for the desired domains, you can save them into text/xml/html/csv file.

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[軟件] 輕易讀取你 Skype 各類資料 (SkypeLogView 1.00)

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SkypeLogView 1.00 是一款讀取 Skype 所創建的記錄日誌文件,並且能顯示指定的 Skype 帳戶所打出打入電話、聊天信息和文件傳輸細節。亦可以將資料輸出為文字檔、html、csv、xml等檔案。

SkypeLogView reads the log files created by Skype application, and displays the details of incoming/outgoing calls, chat messages, and file transfers made by the specified Skype account. You can select one or more items from the logs list, and then copy them to the clipboard, or export them into text/html/csv/xml file.

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[MM] 小妤

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